Health Savings Account

A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a tax-exempt account established for High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) holders exclusively for the purpose of paying qualified medical expenses.

Anyone who has a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) is eligible for an HSA, regardless of his or her age or income bracket. The individual:

  • Must be covered by a high deductible health insurance plan
  • Have no other first dollar medical coverage
  • Cannot be claimed as a dependent on another person’s tax return
  • Cannot be enrolled in Medicare*

*For more information, contact your health insurance provider or benefits administrator.

Health Savings Accounts with Aftacredit offer convenience and a variety of benefits to help you manage your medical expenses. An HSA provides you with:

  • Control. An HSA gives you more control over how you plan for and spend your health care dollars. HSA contributions may come from pre-tax income through payroll deductions or from contributions from employers and family members.
  • Portability. An HSA is owned by you, the individual (not your employer), and is therefore completely portable. Funds remain with you even if you change jobs, change medical coverage, become unemployed, move or change your marital status.
  • Flexibility. There are no "use it or lose it" rules. HSA funds remain in the account from year to year. Even if you are no longer eligible to make contributions, funds may still be used to pay for qualified medical expenses, tax-free.
  • Ability to save for future health needs. Unused funds from your HSA can grow through interest and investment earnings and can be banked for future medical expenses. Your accumulating HSA balance gains tax-free interest until retirement at the age of 65. After age 65, HSA funds can be used for non-qualified medical expenses without a penalty, only income tax is assessed.



Minimum to Open

No Minimum

Monthly Minimum

Balance Requirement


Monthly Maintenance Fee

No monthly maintenance fee

Interest-bearing Checking

Yes, interest is paid on the following tiers:

  • Tier 1 = $0-$2,499.99
  • Tier 2 = $2,500 and over

Debit Card

An HSA debit card comes with your account providing easy account access


Checks and deposit tickets with our pre-selected design are provided

Online Banker

Aftacredit Online Banker access is included with your HSA account

Set-up Fee

No set-up fee

Monthly Statement

eStatements in the form of a Combined Statement that will detail the HSA and your other Aftacredit accounts

Easy Account Access

  • 24-hour access through our Aftacredit Banker Line (+55 (21) 3900-6950)
  • Easy payment and account access using your Health Savings Account Debit Card

Investment Option:

HSA Certificate of Deposit

Invest unused dollars from your Health Savings Account


  • Range from 12 months to 60 months
  • $1000 minimum to open
  • Additional deposits allowed one time annually

Online Account Opening

Open your account online

To fund your HSA, you may authorize recurring payroll deductions, make direct contributions or automatic transfer from your checking or savings accounts. Employers and family members may also make contributions to your HSA on your behalf.

When you have a qualified medical expense that you would like to pay for, you can access the money in your account by using your:

  • HSA Debit card
  • Checks
  • Online Banker
  • ATM
  • Visit your local Aftacredit office

Tax Advantages**

  • Tax Deductible. Contributions to your HSA are tax-deductible up to the IRS allowed maximums.
  • Tax-Deferred. The interest that your HSA earns is tax-deferred and rolls over year after year.
  • Tax-Free. Funds from your HSA used for qualified medical expenses are tax free.

**Consult your tax advisor regarding the deductibility of HSA contributions or charges.

Contribution Limits

Health Savings Accounts are governed by a standardized maximum contribution limit* for individuals, families and individuals age 55 or older. For more information on the current limits and catch up for contributions, please contact your health insurance provider, benefits administrator.

As of March 5th, the IRS has lowered the Health Savings Account annual contribution limit for an individual with family coverage under a high deductible health plan from $6,900 to $6,850. If you have already contributed the full annual contribution amount of $6,900 for 2018, or have future contributions scheduled that will cause you to surpass the new and lower limit of $6,850, you may want to consider making adjustments at one of our local offices. There could be IRS penalties for contributions over the annual limit. If you have questions regarding the 2018 contribution change, we advise you to consult with your tax specialist.

Annual Contribution Limits***

Contribution Year


Annual Contribution Limit

Catch up Contribution at Age 55 and Older


Single Coverage




Family Coverage




Single Coverage




Family Coverage



***Your accumulating HSA balance gains tax-free interest until retirement at the age of 65. After age 65, HSA funds can be used for non-qualified medical expenses without a penalty, only income tax is assessed.

Qualified Medical Expenses

The following list is a sample of the qualified medical expenses that can be paid for using funds from your Health Savings Account.* For more information, refer to Publication 502 on the IRS website at:

  • Acupuncture
  • Chiropractor
  • Contact lenses and eyeglasses
  • Dental treatments
  • Laboratory fees
  • Podiatrist
  • Prescription medication
  • Therapy
  • X-Rays
  • And more!
  • HSA contributions may come from pre-tax income.
  • Withdrawals from your HSA are used to pay for qualified medical expenses.
  • HSA balances carry over from year to year, building savings for future medical needs over time.
  • Your accumulating HSA balance gains tax-free interest until retirement at age 65. You may withdraw funds upon retirement and pay only normal income taxes.
  • An HSA is owned by an individual, not a company or your employer. It does not terminate when employment ends. It is yours.
  • HSA funds can eventually be used to pay for elder care or long-term care. You can even use HSA funds to purchase long-term care insurance, tax-free.

For detailed and current information on Health Savings Accounts, please visit the following websites:
IRS Publication 969
IRS Publication 502
U.S. Treasury HSA - FAQs

Mother and son playing in a park.

Health Savings Account CDs.

Invest unused dollars from your Health Savings Account with a Health Savings Account CD.